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    • Abstracts need to be original, which means, not published before and not accepted to be presented in another meeting elsewhere.
    • Abstracts must be submitted in English.
    • The abstract number of words is limited strictly to 300 words maximum, excluding the title, the authors and the affiliations, which need to be included in the corresponding text fields (not in the abstract text field).
    • Acknowledgements or references are not allowed.
    • Tables can be included in the abstract text. Please notice that each word or number included in the table will be count as one word.
    • One figure or graphic may be included if it is uploaded as a separate file through the submission form (upload file). Please, do not paste any image file in the abstract text, since we cannot guarantee the reception of the file if you proceed this way.
    • Authors need to choose their presentation preference (Oral Presentation or Poster). In any case, the scientific committee will determine the final decision about the type of presentation after the reviewing process.
    • Abstract submission deadline: Monday 7th November 2022
    Innate immunity: epigenetics, metabolism and memory
    All abstracts accepted for presentation (oral or poster) will be published within the official publication of the meeting, available at the A-WISH 2022 website.

    For any other question or information, please contact the scientific secretariat of the Symposium at: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.